Geographic Coordinator Roles

For further information on these roles or to volunteer, contact


USA Regional Coordinators

  • Identify State Coordinators for the region
  • Make sure the State Coordinators recruit county coordinators (help them if necessary).
  • Provide regional prayer requests to the Zúme prayer coordinator
  • Consider serving as a 24:14 Stewardship Team Member for your region. That will entail more of an ongoing responsibility and relationship with implementers (movement catalysts) in your region, including assisting the state Stewardship Team Member to locate training and coaching resources.

USA State Coordinators

  • Identify County Coordinators for the state
  • Make sure the County Coordinators recruit Census Tract Facilitators (help them if necessary).
  • Provide state prayer requests to the Zúme prayer coordinator
  • Consider serving as a 24:14 Stewardship Team Member for your state. That will entail more of an ongoing responsibility and relationship with implementers (movement catalysts) in your state, including assisting the county Stewardship Team Members to locate training and coaching resources. It also includes ensuring that the various people groups in your state are being addresses with multiplicative approaches.

USA County Coordinators

  • Identify Census Tract Facilitators for the county
  • Make sure the Census Tract Facilitators organize a training group of between four and twelve people to go through the training together.
  • Provide county prayer requests to the Zúme prayer coordinator
  • Consider serving as a 24:14 Stewardship Team Member for your county. That will entail more of an ongoing responsibility and relationship with implementers (movement catalysts) in your county, including assisting them to locate training and coaching resources.

USA Census Tract Facilitators

  • Recruit at least one group of four to twelve people to complete all ten two-hour training sessions.
  • The Facilitator needs to make sure the trainees know about the online coaches and other resources available on the website and that the contact information for the participants is entered on the website.
  • The Facilitator needs to follow up with the trainees to make sure that group members start at least two simple churches.



Facilitation Team members (FTM)

  • Are responsible for communications in the network and especially to Regional Stewardship Team Members.
  • They need to be able to function in English.
  • They are responsible to identify and/or train Regional Stewardship Team Members who will pursue movements in their respective regions.

Regional Stewardship Team Members (RSTM)

  • First priority is to identify and/or train Country Stewardship Team Members who will pursue movements for each country within their respective regions.
  • They are responsible for communications with the Country Stewardship Team Members.
  • They need to be able to function in English.
  • They are responsible for submitting updates on progress and needs to the FTM.

Country Stewardship Team Members (CSTM)

  • First priority is to identify and/or train Omega Zone Stewardship Team Members who will pursue movements for each Omega Zone in their respective countries.
  • They are responsible for communications with the OZSTMs in their country.
  • It is preferable if they are from the country for which they serve.
  • It is greatly preferable if they can function in English.  They must share a language with the RSTMs in their region.
  • They are responsible for submitting updates on progress and needs to the RSTMs.

Omega Zone Stewardship Team Members (OZSTM)

  • First priority is to sub-divide their Zone into Omega Zone Districts if that has not yet been done in their Zone.  These Districts should utilize commonly recognized geographic units.  They should be of population of approximately 50,000 each in Zones categorized as world A (column I in the Omega Zones tab), of approximately 100,000 in Zones categorized as World B, and of approximately 150,000 in Zones categorized as World C.
  • After determining the Districts, they should prioritize identifying and/or training ODSTMs who will pursue movements for every District in their Zone.
  • They are responsible for communications with the ODSTMs.  They must share a language with the CSTMs in their country.
  • They are responsible for submitting updates on progress and needs to the CSTMs.

Omega District Stewardship Team Members (ODSTM)

  • Are responsible to identify and/or train implementers who will seek to multiply disciples and simple churches to achieve movements among the various people groups within their respective Districts.  Suggested target groups are included in the Omega Zones tab of the spreadsheet.
  • They must share a language with their OZSTMs.
  • They are responsible for communications with the implementers.
  • They are responsible for submitting updates on progress and needs to the OZSTMs.


  • Are responsible to pursue catalyzing movements of multiplying disciples and simple churches among their target people group or groups.
  • They must share a language with their ODSTMs.
  • They are responsible for submitting updates on progress and needs to the ODSTMs.


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